Monday, May 5, 2008

To Quote Kasparov

I was amazed with Kasparov's quote. It's so inspiring.

" To play creatively without being afraid of taking chances and to posses a polished chess style in no way releases you from the need for persistent hard work. On the contrary, you must constantly perfect your playing, deepen and widen your opening repertoire, refine your techniques, and analyse complicated endgames. Chess, after all, is not just an accumulation of acquired knowledge; chess is dynamic, and apparently definitive conclusion may in actual fact be just an interim one. The truth has to be proved every time. Even my own annotations to games are not unshakeable as far as i am concerned. I like to keep updating them, making them more precise: many ideas come to be reaccessed, including, of course, one’s own ideas. I willingly go over my own mistakes again and analyse them "